See also: print design

Simple Signup
The website was designed with a simple two-step signup process in mind, customers can then gain access to their myNeosurf Account page (see below).

myNeosurf Account
In addition to the main website a My Account section was needed to manage card details, vouchers, top-ups and payments. Each section took a complex process which was then broken down into simple to understand steps. Below is a small examples of the page designs created.

Delivering designs and assets
Once each page was designed it then had to be packaged up and delivered to a developer who was working remotely in Hong Kong. This included all graphical assets, along with a design-spec for each page and a UI toolkit.

UI Toolkit
The UI toolkit broke down each of the core elements that was used on the website, showing links, buttons and form fields in each of the possible states. A 'basic page' was also created to show how the core elements of the header bar, page content with text elements and the footer would all work together.

Responsive emails design and build
Emails were built using HTML and CSS to be cross-compatible with as many devices and browsers possible